The agricultural sector of which livestock farming or better still pig farming is a part of is no doubt among the leading industry in most countries of the world; it is the industry that produce food for the populace and of course raw materials for industries.
Because of the significant role the agriculture sector plays, the government of most countries ensures that they go all the way to subsidize seedlings, fertilizers, and farming implements and machinery for farmers and also encourage entrepreneurs to go into various kind of farming including pig farming.
There are several business opportunities available in the agricultural industry cum livestock industry and one good thing about the industry is that there is market for all the produce from the industry. Pig farming is of course a thriving and profitable business because of the nutritious value of pig meat (pork) and other by products from pigs.
The livestock production industry includes companies that mainly provide support services for raising livestock. Livestock is a term used to describe domestic animals, such as cattle, pigs (swine, hog, grunter, squealer, sus scrota), goats, horses, poultry and sheep et al which have been domestically raised for meat, milk, wool and work. Other services in the livestock production industry include breeding services, pedigree record services and vaccination et al.
The Livestock Farming industry of which pig farming line of business is a part of is indeed a large industry and pretty much active in countries such as United States of America, Israel, Brazil, China, Germany, Argentina and Nigeria et al.
It is a fact that there is no single livestock farming company cum pig farming business that has dominate market share in the industry hence smaller pig farming business can successfully compete in the industry and still make appreciable profits.
Statistics has it that in the United States of America alone, there are about 51,712 registered and licensed livestock farming business (pig farming inclusive) responsible for employing about 67,814 and the industry rakes in a whooping sum of #5 billion annually. The industry is projected to enjoy 1.4 percent annual growth.
If you are looking towards leveraging on the livestock industry to generate huge income, then one of your best bet is to start pig farming business. Pig farming business is all about mass – breeding of pigs for the sole aim of making profits. In most cases it is generally referred to as livestock farming business.
One thing is certain about pig farming business, if you are able to conduct your market research and feasibility studies, you are more likely not going to struggle to sell your pigs because there are loads of people out there we eat pig meat (pork), and industries that make use of byproducts from pigs in manufacturing their products.